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Every Child is An Artist
I want to be a... I want to do a... All I want is...
~ Pablo Picasa

"I want to be a pilot"
Artist: A. Huslen, 2004

"Watching an American football"
Artist: E. Munkh-Orgil

"A teacher"
Artist: Ch. Azjargal, 2010

"A constructor"
Artist: E. Munkhtur

"Director of Khaan Bank"
Artist: A. Javkhaa, 2010

"A famous horse trainer"
Artist: Mungunshagai, 2007

"Love around the world"
Artist: D. Uyanga, 2006

"Child-friendly neighborhood"
Artist: N. Bilguun, 2009

"I want to be a cop"
Artist: B. Esuijin, 2009
The Winner is...

Artist: A. Huslen
Dream: To be a pilot

Huslen's Motto:
"If you can dream it
you can achieve it"

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"Every Child Is an Artist" bilingual Children's Magazine Project
Artwork touches our hearts in a way that can’t be expressed adequately in words.
Our art project creates opportunities for children from underserved communities to showcase their talents and provides them a platform where they can express their voices through arts.
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