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What We Do

We operate both in the United States and Mongolia. In America, we focus more on building informed, responsible and engaged communities through online resources, informational sessions and cultural events.

In Mongolia, we run STEM Scholarship Program in partnership with local educational institutions and qualified professionals in addition to charity projects to support single moms and underprivileged communities.

Asian girls studying in group

STEM Scholarship Program supports promising female students with demonstrated financial needs and stimulates girls' interest in STEM through engaging summer coding camps.

Charity Donation

WE Club promotes networking, personal development and volunteering opportunities to impact women's lives in a meaningful way.


Resources for Newcomers is an online information corner for Mongolian immigrants in the United States. It is run by our volunteers and interns.


Our Gen Z girls host "Bridge Between Us" podcasts and create vlogs to inspire Mongolian youth living in the U.S. and abroad. 

Coworkers Working Together

We offer internship opportunities for valuable knowledge and experience through various hands-on projects and social events. 

Our partners and supporters

@2019-2025 Women Empowerment Mongolia
All Rights Reserved

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